Section First Features
100% Free Diagnostics
No fix, no fee. Repair on demand
30 Days Warranty
Guaranteed Service
24/7 Availability
Through phone call 123 456 4568
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]Content goes here...[/features
Our Extreme Services
Smart Phone Repair
Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum imperdiet dolor id ante commodo iaculis.
Tablet - Ipad Repair
Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum imperdiet dolor id ante commodo iaculis.
PC & MAC Computers
Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum imperdiet dolor id ante commodo iaculis.
Laptop - Macbook Repair
Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum imperdiet dolor id ante commodo iaculis.
Wifi - Network Problem
Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum imperdiet dolor id ante commodo iaculis.
Data Recovery
Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum imperdiet dolor id ante commodo iaculis.
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[services icon="Add fontawesome icon here" title="Add title here" link="Add link here" last="type yes to remove last box margin"
]Content goes here...[/services
Client Logo
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Counter Number And Text
For showing counter on About page
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[counter value="Add counting value example "35"" title="Add title here" symbol="Add symbol here Ex. - +, k, %"
Our Skill Work
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[skill title="Smart Phone Repair" percent="90" bgcolor="#00a3da"
][skill title="Tablet - Ipad Repair" percent="70" bgcolor="#00a3da"
][skill title="PC & MAC Computers" percent="100" bgcolor="#00a3da"
][skill title="Laptop - Macbook Repair" percent="80" bgcolor="#00a3da"
][skill title="Wifi - Network Problem" percent="60" bgcolor="#00a3da"
][skill title="Data Recovery" percent="75" bgcolor="#00a3da"
Extream Work
Smart Phone Repair
Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum imperdiet dolor id ante commodo iaculis.
Tablet – Ipad Repair
Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum imperdiet dolor id ante commodo iaculis.
PC & MAC Computers
Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum imperdiet dolor id ante commodo iaculis.
Laptop – Macbook Repair
Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum imperdiet dolor id ante commodo iaculis.
Wifi – Network Problem
Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum imperdiet dolor id ante commodo iaculis.
Data Recovery
Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum imperdiet dolor id ante commodo iaculis.
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]ACCORDION CONTENT 1[/accordion_content
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]ACCORDION CONTENT 4[/accordion_content
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- About
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus felis nunc, bibendum non ultrices quis, ornare quis ligula. Integer vehicula tristique mi nec sagittis.
- Services
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus felis nunc, bibendum non ultrices quis, ornare quis ligula. Integer vehicula tristique mi nec sagittis.
- Events
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus felis nunc, bibendum non ultrices quis, ornare quis ligula. Integer vehicula tristique mi nec sagittis.
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Portfolio Gallery
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Testimonials Rotator
Friendly, helpful and professional service. Explained the problem clearly and fixed it quickly. Would feel confident to contact Toni with any future problems.
Helen Nelson
Happy CustomerFast, efficient service. Repaired in a day. Would highly recommend.
Callum Murphy
Happy CustomerWhat an experience. Toni managed to turn an impossible task into a victory. My laptop was in poor health but after a short time it was up and running. I can honestly recommend this…
Graham Gay
Happy CustomerVery professional and friendly. Fixed the problem quickly and very affordable!
Susan Allerton
Happy CustomerGet The Code
All Testimonials Listing
Friendly, helpful and professional service. Explained the problem clearly and fixed it quickly. Would feel confident to contact Toni with any future problems.
What an experience. Toni managed to turn an impossible task into a victory. My laptop was in poor health but after a short time it was up and running. I can honestly recommend this…
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[testimonials-listing show="4"
Sidebar Testimonials Rotator
Friendly, helpful and professional service. Explained the problem clearly and fixed it quickly. Would feel confident to contact Toni with any future problems.
Fast, efficient service. Repaired in a day. Would highly recommend.
What an experience. Toni managed to turn an impossible task into a victory. My laptop was in poor health but after a short time it was up and running. I can honestly recommend this…
Very professional and friendly. Fixed the problem quickly and very affordable!
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Miscellaneous Shortcode
2 Column Shortcode
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[column_content type="one_half"
]Column 1 Content goes here...[/column_content
][column_content type="one_half_last"
]Column 2 Content goes here...[/column_content
3 Column Shortcode
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]Column 1 Content goes here...[/column_content
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]Column 2 Content goes here...[/column_content
][column_content type="one_third_last"
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4 Column Content
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5 Column Content
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]Column 5 Content goes here...[/column_content
Social Icon
( Note: More social icons can be found at: The Code
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Search Box / Search Form
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List Style
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[unordered_list style="list-1"
>List style 1</li
>List style 2</li
>List style 3</li
Usable Attributes
You can use above shortcode with list-1 to list-10 attibutes
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus felis nunc, bibendum non ultrices quis, ornare quis ligula. Integer vehicula tristique mi nec sagittis. Praesent eleifend, leo in pretium eleifend, turpis lorem pulvinar dolor, et tincidunt quam ex et eros. Proin a lacus erat. Sed vehicula, nibh et hendrerit facilisis, turpis dui sodales mauris, ut auctor lacus nisl at quam.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus felis nunc, bibendum non ultrices quis, ornare quis ligula. Integer vehicula tristique mi nec sagittis. Praesent eleifend, leo in pretium eleifend, turpis lorem pulvinar dolor, et tincidunt quam ex et eros. Proin a lacus erat. Sed vehicula, nibh et hendrerit facilisis, turpis dui sodales mauris, ut auctor lacus nisl at quam. Donec at sapien interdum, feugiat ex sed, blandit turpis. Cras placerat lacus id lacinia pulvinar. Praesent ornare neque risus, in rutrum odio hendrerit nec.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus felis nunc, bibendum non ultrices quis, ornare quis ligula. Integer vehicula tristique mi nec sagittis. Praesent eleifend, leo in pretium eleifend, turpis lorem pulvinar dolor, et tincidunt quam ex et eros. Proin a lacus erat. Sed vehicula, nibh et hendrerit facilisis, turpis dui sodales mauris, ut auctor lacus nisl at quam. Donec at sapien interdum, feugiat ex sed, blandit turpis. Cras placerat lacus id lacinia pulvinar. Praesent ornare neque risus, in rutrum odio hendrerit nec.
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[blockquote align="left/right"
] Your quote text... [/blockquote
Alert Boxes
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[message type="success"
]This is a sample of the 'success' style message box shortcode. To use this style use the following shortcode[/message
] [message type="error"
]This is a sample of the 'error' style message box shortcode. To use this style use the following shortcode.[/message
] [message type="warning"
]This is a sample of the 'warning' style message box shortcode. To use this style use the following shortcode.[/message
] [message type="info"
]This is a sample of the 'info' style message box shortcode. To use this style use the following shortcode.[/message
] [message type="about"
]This is a sample of the 'about' style message box shortcode. To use this style use the following shortcode.[/message
Gradient Button
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[gradient_button size="small/medium/large/x-large" bg_color="#e00" color="#fff" text="Medium Gradient Button" title="Medium Gradient Button" url="" position="left"
Simple Button
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Round Button
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